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Magnetic Pages Article | 1998-04-19 | 21.0 KB | 127 lines
MPARTICLEh 81D2# UU=Os 81D2# 81D2# x81Db +,J"2 |O=============================================================================== N FROM: NIKNAK TYPED ON: 20 SEPT `97A ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ D REFRENCE: DON`T SPLIT YOUR SIDES! AREA: JOKES= ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^O------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Q. Why did the hamburger wake up screaming? A. It had a bite-mare!! 8Q. Why does the hamburger roll say please and thank-you? A. Because it`s well bread!! %Q. What do cannibals play at parties? A. Swallow my leader!! OA lorry carrying treacle has collided with a car on the m6. police are asking'motorists to stick to their own lanes!! CVandals Have Drilled A Hole In The Fence Of The Local Nudist Colony!Police Say Their Looking Into It. Q. Why is a brick like an egg? A. Because it has to be laid. Q. Why Is A Brick Like Kai Bird=A. Cause They Both Want To Be Laid For The Rest Of Their Life +Customer - I`d like a fur coat for my wife.7Assisstant - I`m sorry, sir, but we don`t do exchanges. #Q. Why did the angel loose his job? A. Because of harp failure. 2Q. Why did the mother kangaroo scold her children?$A. Because they ate biscuits in bed. +Q. How do you get cool in a football match? A. Stand next to a fan. >Q. Why did the loony use a mouse as bait when he went fishing? A. He wanted to catch cat fish. 4 Reporter: My editor has sent me to do the burglary.9Policeman: Sorry you`re too late, it`s already been done. %Molly: We visited the cemetary today. Dolly: Oh, somebody died? Molly: Yes, all of them +Q. What did the north wind say to the east? A. Lets play draughts! #Judge: Why did you hit the dentist?!Man: Because he got on my nerves. 5Q. What bird starts off with 2 legs but ends up on 4?%A. A turkey, it ends up on the table. 4Q. What is black, out of its mind and sits in trees? A. A raven lunatic Q. What animal drives a car? A. A road hog. Q. Where was solomon`s temple? A. At the side of his head. Fred: I had to shoot my dog Ted: Was he mad?)Fred: Well he wasn`t to pleased about it. !Q. What do punks learn at school? A. Punktuation. 'Q. Why did the woman have 2 black eyes?$A. Because she had to be told twice. 'Q. Why did the woman have a broken leg? A. She still didn't listen. O=============================================================================== N FROM: NIKNAK TYPED ON: 20 SEPT `97A ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ D REFRENCE: I`M NOT SEXIST! AREA: JOKES= ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^O-------------------------------------------------------------------------------O There were 3 women stranded on a desert island. One day, they foundOa lamp, rubbed it (yes, it did take all three to rub it) and out came a genie,O"I'll grant you each one wish", he said. The first woman says "I want to be 100Otimes smarter than the smartest woman in the world". The genie grants her wish+& she builds a raft and escapes the island.O The second woman says "I want to be 1,000 times smarter than theOsmartest woman in the world". He grants the wish, She builds a helicopter & flies away.O The third woman says "I want to be 1,000,000 times smarter than the@smartest woman in the world", So the genie turns her into a man. #Remember this is just a bit of fun! NIKNAK ^^^^^^ O=============================================================================== N FROM: CDR TYPED ON: 12 MAR `98B ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ E REFRENCE: I`M NOT A - OH, FORGET IT... AREA: JOKES> ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^O-------------------------------------------------------------------------------O Science has finally discovered the female gene, and surprisinglyOthey've found it's not only in the human female, but in beer as well. This wasOproven by giving a group of men many cans of beer to drink, whereupon they allOtalked a load of rubbish and then proceded to drive their cars very erraticly all the way home. CDR ^^^ #From Nick Abbott & CDR: Page 1 of 7 SW9a:SW9a/I.General SW9a:SW9a/I.Columns SW9a:SW9a/I.ShareWorld SW9a:SW9a/I.Reviews SW9b:SW9b/I.OtherWorlds SW9b:SW9b/I.Adverts SW9a:SW9a/Help SW9b:SW9b/I.NetWorld #From Nick Abbott & CDR: Page 2 of 7 SW9a:SW9a/I.General SW9a:SW9a/I.Columns SW9a:SW9a/I.ShareWorld SW9a:SW9a/I.Reviews SW9b:SW9b/I.OtherWorlds SW9b:SW9b/I.Adverts SW9a:SW9a/Help SW9b:SW9b/I.NetWorld #From Nick Abbott & CDR: Page 3 of 7 SW9a:SW9a/I.General SW9a:SW9a/I.Columns SW9a:SW9a/I.ShareWorld SW9a:SW9a/I.Reviews SW9b:SW9b/I.OtherWorlds SW9b:SW9b/I.Adverts SW9a:SW9a/Help SW9b:SW9b/I.NetWorld #From Nick Abbott & CDR: Page 4 of 7 SW9a:SW9a/I.General SW9a:SW9a/I.Columns SW9a:SW9a/I.ShareWorld SW9a:SW9a/I.Reviews SW9b:SW9b/I.OtherWorlds SW9b:SW9b/I.Adverts SW9a:SW9a/Help SW9b:SW9b/I.NetWorld #From Nick Abbott & CDR: Page 5 of 7 SW9a:SW9a/I.General SW9a:SW9a/I.Columns SW9a:SW9a/I.ShareWorld SW9a:SW9a/I.Reviews SW9b:SW9b/I.OtherWorlds SW9b:SW9b/I.Adverts SW9a:SW9a/Help SW9b:SW9b/I.NetWorld #From Nick Abbott & CDR: Page 6 of 7 SW9a:SW9a/I.General SW9a:SW9a/I.Columns SW9a:SW9a/I.ShareWorld SW9a:SW9a/I.Reviews SW9b:SW9b/I.OtherWorlds SW9b:SW9b/I.Adverts SW9a:SW9a/Help SW9b:SW9b/I.NetWorld #From Nick Abbott & CDR: Page 7 of 7 SW9a:SW9a/I.General SW9a:SW9a/I.Columns SW9a:SW9a/I.ShareWorld SW9a:SW9a/I.Reviews SW9b:SW9b/I.OtherWorlds SW9b:SW9b/I.Adverts SW9a:SW9a/Help SW9b:SW9b/I.NetWorld